Second Piel

Brand Identity / Concept development / Naming

Brand identity and concept for Second Piel, a clothing brand focused on developing pieces that make women feel comfortable, beautiful and confident at the same time.


The term “real beauty” is starting to emerge in opposition to the typical beauty standards marketed by the fashion world. That is why the concept of “real woman” describes any type of feminine beauty that does not force itself to be something it is not. On the contrary, it seeks to highlight the best of itself, regardless of its color, size, or way of being.

We developed the brand identity system by creating a custom type logo, thinking about sharp and smooth shapes, since we wanted to show both sides of a confident woman. This system is all about showing different color contrasts that enhance the impact of the products that are being displayed. The juxtaposition of text and photography is the key to reinforce the message of self-love, respect, and beauty.

We developed a Brand Identity system starting with a custom type logo thinking about strong and softy forms. As well as we want to show both sides of a confident woman. The system is about different contrast colors that help to complete the impact to show the products. The juxtapoz with text and photo is a key to enforce the message to shout self-love, respect, and beauty. 


DISCIPLINES: Brand Identity / Concept development / Naming

DIRECTION: Pablo Méndez

DESIGN: Daniela Castiblanco

WRITING: Alejandra Garavito

TYPE DESIGN: Pablo Méndez


YEAR: 2019